2 + 2 = 5

The Errata Page

Your resource for all things wrong.

The purpose of this site is to create a central location to find published errata pages for mathematical and scientific text books. Where there is a web site with errata for a particular book or books, this site provides a link to that site.

If you know of an errata page on the web that is not linked by this site, then send me the name of the book and a link to the web page. I will add it to the database and acknowledge your contribution.

If you have found an erratum in a book that has an errata page on the web, you should contact the author. However, if the author does not add the erratum to their page, then you can send it to me and I will publish it and acknowledge your contribution

If you have found an erratum in a book that has no published web page, then send me the name of the book, the author, the edition and printing number if you know them along with the erratum/errata and your name. The erratum should contain the page and line number (or other location identifier), the incorrect text, and the correction. I will create an errata page for that book and acknowledge your contribution.

Send all reports to the Chief Error Officer. The word errata must appear in the subject line.

Enter (words from) the title of a book


and/or enter an author's name (last name only)
